
The PrimeTracker:
A Revolution in Conveyor Belt Technology

It often happens that the belt runs off-center, which can lead to significant damage. This is where the PrimeTracker from ScrapeTec comes into play—an innovative solution that ensures conveyor belts always remain optimally aligned. Unlike traditional trackers that push or pull the belt back to the center through friction, the PrimeTracker operates entirely frictionlessly, offering an extremely long service life.

How the PrimeTracker Works
Traditional bottom belt trackers use mechanical resistance to guide the belt back to the center. However, this causes wear and requires regular maintenance. In contrast, ScrapeTec’s PrimeTracker controls the belt in an innovative way. Through intelligent design, it immediately responds to deviations and guides the belt back to the center without friction. This not only reduces wear but also significantly extends the lifespan of the entire system.

Word-of-Mouth and the Success Story of the PrimeTracker
Since ScrapeTec does not have a large distribution network, the success of the PrimeTracker largely relies on word-of-mouth. The positive experiences and feedback from plant managers and operators speak for themselves. They praise the easy installation and high effectiveness of the tracker. The excellent results and seamless integration have quickly made the PrimeTracker well-known.

Diversity and Adaptability
ScrapeTec started with a standard quality PrimeTracker. Today, the product is offered in various versions to meet specific industry requirements:

  • Sugar Industry: Benefits from the FDA-grade PrimeTracker variant.
  • Mining: Utilizes the FRAS-grade (Flame Retardant and Antistatic).
  • Fertilizer Industry: Relies on the stainless steel version.

**Global Presence**
The PrimeTracker has now gained worldwide recognition. It is successfully used in places like Europe, Israel, India, Kazakhstan, Peru, Chile, the USA, and many other locations. The global spread and adaptability of the PrimeTracker to various industries and requirements underscore its significance and efficiency.

The PrimeTracker from ScrapeTec offers an innovative, frictionless solution for centering conveyor belts. Thanks to its extremely long service life and easy installation, the PrimeTracker has proven itself in numerous industries and regions. The word-of-mouth promotion and positive user feedback are continuously increasing its recognition and distribution. The PrimeTracker sets new standards in conveyor belt technology and provides a reliable solution to a central problem in many industries.